30 August, 2002

Scottish Piper

John Matwijkow wrote:
Scottish Bag Piper...
Line drawing-- thick exterior lines no fine detail or a silhouette of one.
I would appreciate the work greatly.
thank you for your time
John Matwijkow

28 August, 2002


kev head wrote:
tree roots in the form of a man and woman holding a child (or womb with child) all woven together with a dwarf or two (character from Lord of the Rings) between roots in an underground passage. i would lick my mouse and keyboard to see that image.

26 August, 2002

Sci Fi, Sorta

Robert wrote:
I love cheesey old science fiction & pulp magazine art. How about a 1950's-ish sci-fi scene with a space-suited hero, a raygun, a Bug-Eyed-Monster, and an alien princess in distress (or dat dress, whatever!) - PS: I really like you rsense of design!

24 August, 2002

The Turtle Looms Again

randy wrote:
i would like to see a girl with black hair and brown eyes and skinny body with a shirt that shows her belly button and below her belly button she has a turtle tatto and next to her is a boy that is taller than her and has black hair and glasses but not the big huge glasses and they are holding hands and behind them both are a big huge turtle

23 August, 2002

Josh Hartnett For A Purse

Anonymous wrote:
I totally LOVE your site, but my parents are really cautious about giving out our e-mail and, even though I totally trust you, I can't give out my name or e-mail. Sorry. Anyways, I was wondering if you would draw Josh Hartnett for me??? The sooner the better, but there's really no reason to hurry. Will you inicial it though, cuz I'm planning to iron it onto a purse that I'm making. I hope that's alright, thanks so much!

18 August, 2002

So I'm A Butt

Hola wrote:
You are a butt :)

14 August, 2002


Lori wrote:
Picture of the rapture of the church. The eastern sky parts and the trumpet of God sounds and the dead in Christ rise from out of the graves and those of us living will rise to meet Jesus in the air. It's possible that this will happen in the morning, and that some will rise and some will be left here. People will be taken out of whatever situation they are in at the time, like driving a truck or shopping, flying a plane or skydiving.

13 August, 2002

Sky Rider

milos wrote:
hello, with best regards at the beginning,im trying to make a patch for my leather jacket, ok, have this in your mind: I'm a biker and I'm soon to become a pilot. black and white drawing of a skull ( front view ) with old ww2 pilot hat, and spread wings in behind ( maybe, in tribal form ( wings ).
I hope you can help me any how
milos m

12 August, 2002

Kokopelli Tattoo

Hilary wrote:
i've been wanting a tattoo on my lower back for years (literally) but i can't draw and i never see what i want. do you know what kokopelli looks like? i want a really cool kokopelli in the center and then some tribal stuff on the sides maybe angling down to a slight "v" shape at my lower back. the kokpelli needs to be so cool.....help! i don't want to try to pick something off the wall at the tattoo place - too ordinary!

08 August, 2002

Sunflower Border

egine schutt wrote:
i want to paint a border in my bathroom and was thinking sunflowers or palm trees (i live on beachside florida) or anything tropical. do you have any suggestions?