31 March, 2002

30 March, 2002

Screen Doors in the Desert

Greg wrote:
I am in the country western band "Mark Starr and the Screen Doors" It is a three piece band with Kiri, a shortish blonde babe on bass, Me, Clean cut cowboy on guitar and long hair Mark Starr on Drums. One of our most fun gigs was out in the middle of the desert for a party. If you want to be tainted by our pictures you can see them at www.unokiri.com

28 March, 2002


Geri wrote:
How 'bout a necromancer? make it a her, never seen a girl necromancer, and make her raise a zombie. Thanks!

25 March, 2002

I Am A Mole And I Live In A Hole

Penny wrote:
Another line for you. Thanks for the last drawing looks good.
"Climb a tree and dig a hole.
Sing to a Sparrow.
Dance with a Mole"

15 March, 2002

Dolphins Around The Earth

Pam wrote:
I'm wanting to get a dolphin tattoo on my lower back. I'm thinking of a earth in the middle with two gray/blue dolphins going around the earth. The dolphins would be nose to tail and would completly encircle the globe.
When you get it drawn, if you could PLEASE email it to me! I'll be eternally grateful!!