31 January, 2002

911 Logo

Shanna wrote:
looking for a logo design for my technology company Nine Eleven Maxim Technologies (9-11) [current logo at
http://www.911maxim.com] thanks

When Faith Meets Knowledge

Billy Dolan wrote:
When faith meets knowledge

30 January, 2002

Pissing Angular Angels in the Snow

casey wrote:
naked woman pissing on snow making a snow angle

29 January, 2002

Drummer, With Some Detail

Jeff Metal wrote:
Please can you do a picture of someone putting postal stickers on a lamp post and next to him a guy with a microphone making drum sounds into it, he has to have baggy jeans. Also could you really detail some parts but leave other parts well plain. Full colour. Many Thanks.

28 January, 2002

Vince Ray-style Cupid

Bryan Stubbs wrote:
a kinky cupid, fetish style a la 'Vince Ray' 50's style...not necessarilly a baby cupid!!! more a sexy female grown up one..

14 January, 2002

Egyptian Goddess of Love and Stars

?? wrote:
I want to get a tattoo - but can't come up with a design.
I'm into egyptian things - maybe a pyramid and the sun,stars, etc. Of something Greek/Roman - like the goddess of love. I'm a believer in "fate". So looking for something that symbolises me!
Any ideas???

12 January, 2002

Organic Circuitry

mark splinter wrote:
i would like a circuitboard that has trees growing out of it and birds in the trees singing and i want the circuitboard to look all old and crusty and the trees look really nice because trees are nice.

02 January, 2002

A Bit Like Meryl Streep

Tera wrote:
Could you make a picture out of my e-mail address? I'm female, short red hair and hazel eyes....about 110 lbs. Look like a young Myrle Streep.