31 December, 2001

Komoto Dragon Tattoo

James wrote:
I have an idea on a tattoo pattern it is a dragon that has it's claw's digging in your skin . It's all black work the type of dragon is a kamoto dragon

28 December, 2001

Player Thirteen

Ashley Brown wrote:
Could you please draw a picture of like a hockey player with the number 13.... He's not a goalie, but just a normal play. The uniform would be like black and white.... black helmut.

24 December, 2001

Ungrateful Bastards

Scarlett wrote:
Please can you draw the ungrateful bastards who ask for pictures on your site, but then fail to say thanks. I think they should be in Dante's vestibule of Hell (for those who lived only for themselves) where they will be stung by insects (wasps and hornets) and chase banners. So there.

21 December, 2001

Dandelion at Dawn

Colette Madden wrote:
dandilion at dawn

15 December, 2001

Angular Angels

Louise wrote: