25 August, 2001

Hammock Snooze

kimberley wrote:
i envision a sleeping little girl outside in a hamock, white daisies in her dirty blonde hair

13 August, 2001

Surfer Girl and Turtle Shadow

Cassie Kahana wrote:
a wave breaking on to a shore, with a surfer girl coming down the wave, the background will have a sun setting, in the picture I would like to have a turtle figure taking up the picture but you can't really see it... sort of like an overshadowing.

07 August, 2001

Cyndi, in Graff

Cyndi wrote:
somethin with the name "cyndi" on it..in sorta big writing...maybe graf. or somethin neat..and also something in the background to add a little more to it.

01 August, 2001

4-dimensional Sphere

Alison wrote:
Could you please try and draw a 4 dimensional sphere, preferably with a few frogs in the background. This is something I have been trying to picture in my mind for ages, but have never quite achieved it. Ta.