31 December, 2001

Komoto Dragon Tattoo

James wrote:
I have an idea on a tattoo pattern it is a dragon that has it's claw's digging in your skin . It's all black work the type of dragon is a kamoto dragon

28 December, 2001

Player Thirteen

Ashley Brown wrote:
Could you please draw a picture of like a hockey player with the number 13.... He's not a goalie, but just a normal play. The uniform would be like black and white.... black helmut.

24 December, 2001

Ungrateful Bastards

Scarlett wrote:
Please can you draw the ungrateful bastards who ask for pictures on your site, but then fail to say thanks. I think they should be in Dante's vestibule of Hell (for those who lived only for themselves) where they will be stung by insects (wasps and hornets) and chase banners. So there.

21 December, 2001

Dandelion at Dawn

Colette Madden wrote:
dandilion at dawn

15 December, 2001

Angular Angels

Louise wrote:

19 November, 2001

Smarter Than The Average Bear

dan mounger wrote:
a bear with a bandana on his head, with smart trousers, sunglasses, chains, gold watch and gold bracelet, laid back with arms crossed. slightly high on life. grizzly but not ferocious.

18 November, 2001

www. (Whole Wide World)

Linsey Buck wrote:
The Wreckless Eric E group all wearing pink and singing whole wide world all around the world in unison(despite differing or no political beliefs)

28 October, 2001

Tiger Tiger Burning Bright

SHARON wrote:
I am in a contest here at work a pumkins drawing contest any ideas would be greatly appreciated the wackier and wierder the better.

25 October, 2001

Asian-style Tree

elizabeth wrote:
a tree, not too much detail, but somewhat stylized with an asian feel

05 October, 2001

Peace at the Top

peter cowie wrote:
a person high up on a mountain top, wind through
their hair, the grass blowing. and they are at peace with themselves.no worries. so people can look at it and think of it at times of unease and worry. and know that it always does get better, although it can take a little time. and i would love a picture that conveys this sort of idea!i know it's a bit of a cliche, but i have this image of my mossed covered hill and gazing down from it, with no worries and i would love to have something like it! sorry that this is is long!

20 September, 2001

Dribbly Monster

Austin Spurling wrote:
Draw a monster

15 September, 2001

Jimmy Buffet-inspired Tattoo

JOHN wrote:

13 September, 2001

Loud Shirt

shavina wrote:

25 August, 2001

Hammock Snooze

kimberley wrote:
i envision a sleeping little girl outside in a hamock, white daisies in her dirty blonde hair

13 August, 2001

Surfer Girl and Turtle Shadow

Cassie Kahana wrote:
a wave breaking on to a shore, with a surfer girl coming down the wave, the background will have a sun setting, in the picture I would like to have a turtle figure taking up the picture but you can't really see it... sort of like an overshadowing.

07 August, 2001

Cyndi, in Graff

Cyndi wrote:
somethin with the name "cyndi" on it..in sorta big writing...maybe graf. or somethin neat..and also something in the background to add a little more to it.

01 August, 2001

4-dimensional Sphere

Alison wrote:
Could you please try and draw a 4 dimensional sphere, preferably with a few frogs in the background. This is something I have been trying to picture in my mind for ages, but have never quite achieved it. Ta.

28 July, 2001

Sweet When He's Sleeping

Calum wrote:
Can u draw me Pussy cat Plzz!?

26 July, 2001

Re. Quest

Ja wrote:
i would like to see a warrior from the crusades entagled with a devilish dragon fighting while falling down a spiraling chamber to hell

22 July, 2001

Asylum Seeker at Christmas

Maggie Lucas wrote:
Hello Faith,
I work with Scarlet at NACAB and he suggested that I send a drawing idea for the NACAB Xmas card as I know you were working on one previously. Here goes -
A Xmas Turkey seeks asylum at a CAB - ('cos Bureaux have a lot of dealings with asylum seekers at present and Turkeys get a raw deal at Xmas)
Thanks and good luck - It will give me a valid excuse to visit the Drawing Room.

20 July, 2001

Christmas in July

Lara Yude wrote:
Im after a modern Christmas card for Citizens Advice Bureau. Nothing religious, more of a greetings card but bright and cheerful to appeal to all ages/beliefs. Needs to have the CAB logo in there somewhere...Scarlett recommended you.

30 June, 2001

What Kind of Rider?

Scarlett wrote:
Maggie says that my new single sided SPD pedals look like giant machineheads. Could you, therefore, draw someone 'using' a kind of bike/bass guitar hybrid? Hint: bass guitars have 4 strings (usually), bikes have 4 cables (usually)...

18 June, 2001

Your Little Angel

Linsey Buck wrote:
A picture of you with a halo cos you're so good to your mum!

17 June, 2001

Whose Line Is It Anyway?

Scarlett wrote:
Could you please draw the line?

15 June, 2001

Travis Tea

John Shanks wrote:
(AGAIN...) I've just been listening to Radio 2 ALL DAY and I NEED to see some injured pop stars. Preferably Travis' much anticipated food fight on TOTP, but with evil props dept. people substituting their "soft-boy" trifles and cream cakes with some REAL fighting food e.g. tinned peaches, frozen leg of lamb, jars of marmalade, etc.
Thank you. But HURRY UP!!

08 June, 2001


bob wrote:
a picture a dog with a cats head

01 June, 2001

Offroad Rage

Ric wrote:
I love riding my bike off road and all this foot & mouth is driving me crazy - so could you please draw a picture of a frustrated mountainbiker on a (lime green with white shox?) bike impatient to get back off road again!!! Thanx
PS - I always wear a skid-lid...

20 May, 2001


martindx wrote:
a new thing emerging

10 May, 2001

Underwater Cavern

landi ware wrote:
underwater cavern with natural treasures

04 May, 2001

Waist-high in the Dark

andrea wrote:
a man sitting crossleged in about waist high water. cant really see his face or any features, its really dark. theres a platform far behind him, with two doorways in the back wall. they are arched at the top and you cant see whats through them, they are black. the whole picture is dark and has sort of a dirty feeling. this picture in no way, resembles my self!

28 April, 2001

Eminem Boo-hoo

George wrote:
Eminem stuck in a tree crying.

14 April, 2001

Pirate Bunny

M0rbid wrote:
A spanish Galleon/flagship with a pirate bunny standing on the deck, and eye-patch and a little bandana on one ear, with a peg leg

03 April, 2001

Snowman on the Beach

caason wrote:
please draw
a snow man sunbathinb on a sunny beach

31 March, 2001

Darius Does Us All A Favour

casson wrote:
Britney Spears being cruisified with a pink fluffy mouse on here head

30 March, 2001

Hung, Drawn and Quartered

the lizard queen wrote:
hiya! thanx sssooooo much 4 ur former drawings! they were kick-ass! i would like to ask you for Picatu(?) being hung, drawn and quartered. i...hate...pokemon...so...much.thanx!
P.S anyone else who is reading this, i am one of the streaking chicks -the one with the brown hair! hahahahahaahahhaaha!
bye, bye

The Assumption Being That She's Dressed Like That For His Benefit

It....is....sheep.....shearer.....draw...femminism...strugle...male arrongance...light
growing dim...yeulbdsmumbleesss............... ?

25 March, 2001

Screaming Horse

Conor McNicholas wrote:
I'd like a long, tall, thin stylized image of a horse in full flight with the screaming head to the left at the bottom and his long, long mane flowing behind him. Black and white only, total contrast, no shading and large thick strokes. Woo. That was a bit specific, huh? Cool site.

22 March, 2001

Streaking Starlets

the lizard queen wrote:

19 March, 2001

Sloppy Kiss From Uncle Jonny

jonny wrote:
Could I please have a pic of my new and first neice ( Mia Lauren)being given a big sloppy kiss from her Uncle Jonny? Top Site..

18 March, 2001

Not Happy

melony belony wrote:
My current state of mind

13 March, 2001

For Dad

Sam wrote:
A cheeky mischievous Jack russell with big corgi ears for my Dad, Ta

01 March, 2001


E.J KIM wrote:

12 February, 2001


thomas wrote:
its gonna be a non-profit site. it will list and review rock clubs in the london area. cheers. i wont restrict you with a description of how i want it to look. use your imagination. all your pictures are amazing

03 February, 2001

I Beg Your Pardon?!

Corinne wrote:
I know you are snowed under, but I have a suggestion- you know when you are talking to someone and they say 'Ibeg your pardon?' in a very terse way- as if you have upset them, could you do that please- I mean a visual representation of the phrase 'I beg your pardon?!' very late felicitations for new year blah blah, David sends his love, I am very very excited.NB keep Fri 3rd August free, the free spirit in me must be represented!

02 February, 2001

Skaters Doing The Wicked Thing

s.pyle wrote:
A group of skateboarers doing the wicked thing on the ramps.

30 January, 2001

Hussy is Fat

Ronnie wrote:
Hussy in graf - somthing fat

25 January, 2001

Demon Zedj

Ben H wrote:
the whole picture is in graffiti style. the tag is DemonZedj and the curving bit of the j is like a blades edge. there is also a picture of a demon behind text

12 January, 2001

An Enchanted Day

Penny Jackson wrote:
Hi, Sorry to trouble you again but I would also love your interpretation of another of my "poems". Many thanks.

An Enchanted Day

I saw, today, an artist
He was sitting in a Landscape to

I watched for, maybe, an hour and then I fell into his painting