20 December, 2000

No Oil Painting

Steve wrote:
everyone I know think octopuses are horrible looking. if you were to stand next to the octopus in an aquarium you would hear every disparaging comment under the sun. i think they have a beauty & majesty all their own.could you draw that for me please?

Canal Boat, Wintery Scene

Mary and Gabor wrote:
you must be very busy drawing after your article in the paper but you would make us very happy if you could draw us a canal boat in a wintery scene. We are dreaming of such a boat and would love to have your drawing on our website. Please have a look at our site
we are two artists trying to leave Birmingham on a narrow boat and your drawing would be a great inspiration!

19 December, 2000

Cranio-Sacral Therapy

David Cormack wrote:
a vision of the body's rhythms in Cranio-sacral therapy

18 December, 2000


Robert Alcock wrote:
On second thoughts -- celestial trumpets can't blare "I love you" (they just go "Ba-ba-ba-Ba-ba-ba-BAAA") -- I really meant they are announcing/accompanying the angels who have come to say (probably in music to the accompaniment of harps, viols and other typical renaissance instruments) "I LOVE YOU"! (It's for my girlfriend who is in Brussels at the moment, for what it's worth.)
Thanks very much

PS. Your pictures are great, very alive. "Too Tired" was the best so far.

15 December, 2000

Friendly Giraffe

Sarah Cole wrote:
hello. I really wanted a picture of a friendly giraffe, but when i try to ask for it, the page always says it cannot be found. I really like giraffes

13 December, 2000

Too Tired

Tami wrote:
Your drawings are very good good with details. Here's mine...Lately I feel as though I'm all alone even though I know there is love from family and friends all around me. I know the love is there, but I'm too tired to feel it or let it in. If I move one inch to the left or one inch to the right, I will lose control of everything--my whole life will fall apart.

12 December, 2000

Life on 5

Tom Scutt wrote:
My life on 5
Thirty-something computer programmer with short blonde hair turns feral and goes to live on a roundabout (which has been landscaped with rocks and trees). Perhaps he lives by spearing passing motorists and spit-roasting them. Who can say? The roundabout has a big burgundy sign with a white number 5 on it.

11 December, 2000


Edson wrote:
Do you have any ideas on how to liven up my web site a little? (It's http://www.razorlist.com/) Icons, a new logo, a picture... whatever inspires you.
PS - An easy way to put your designs on t-shirts and such would be to use www.cafepress.com..I think a lot of your art would look fantastic on a t-shirt!)