20 December, 2000

No Oil Painting

Steve wrote:
everyone I know think octopuses are horrible looking. if you were to stand next to the octopus in an aquarium you would hear every disparaging comment under the sun. i think they have a beauty & majesty all their own.could you draw that for me please?

Canal Boat, Wintery Scene

Mary and Gabor wrote:
you must be very busy drawing after your article in the paper but you would make us very happy if you could draw us a canal boat in a wintery scene. We are dreaming of such a boat and would love to have your drawing on our website. Please have a look at our site
we are two artists trying to leave Birmingham on a narrow boat and your drawing would be a great inspiration!

19 December, 2000

Cranio-Sacral Therapy

David Cormack wrote:
a vision of the body's rhythms in Cranio-sacral therapy

18 December, 2000


Robert Alcock wrote:
On second thoughts -- celestial trumpets can't blare "I love you" (they just go "Ba-ba-ba-Ba-ba-ba-BAAA") -- I really meant they are announcing/accompanying the angels who have come to say (probably in music to the accompaniment of harps, viols and other typical renaissance instruments) "I LOVE YOU"! (It's for my girlfriend who is in Brussels at the moment, for what it's worth.)
Thanks very much

PS. Your pictures are great, very alive. "Too Tired" was the best so far.

15 December, 2000

Friendly Giraffe

Sarah Cole wrote:
hello. I really wanted a picture of a friendly giraffe, but when i try to ask for it, the page always says it cannot be found. I really like giraffes

13 December, 2000

Too Tired

Tami wrote:
Your drawings are very good good with details. Here's mine...Lately I feel as though I'm all alone even though I know there is love from family and friends all around me. I know the love is there, but I'm too tired to feel it or let it in. If I move one inch to the left or one inch to the right, I will lose control of everything--my whole life will fall apart.

12 December, 2000

Life on 5

Tom Scutt wrote:
My life on 5
Thirty-something computer programmer with short blonde hair turns feral and goes to live on a roundabout (which has been landscaped with rocks and trees). Perhaps he lives by spearing passing motorists and spit-roasting them. Who can say? The roundabout has a big burgundy sign with a white number 5 on it.

11 December, 2000


Edson wrote:
Do you have any ideas on how to liven up my web site a little? (It's http://www.razorlist.com/) Icons, a new logo, a picture... whatever inspires you.
PS - An easy way to put your designs on t-shirts and such would be to use www.cafepress.com..I think a lot of your art would look fantastic on a t-shirt!)

30 November, 2000


Remy Lamont wrote:
septic toe

29 November, 2000

Animaux du Café Paris

paul murphy wrote:
thanks for doing my monkey reviewing TV progs!
any chance of two monkeys eating cassoulet in a Paris bistro with two cats? I'll understand if you don't have time and want to do something new

01 November, 2000

Impish Again

Impish wrote:
you have done another one for me... but there is another pic i would like to see:
Original Self

01 October, 2000

Room for a New Picture

stephen wrote:
My girlfriend has left me and taken all the pictures form my bedroom wall so all I have is 4 white walls and 5 picture hooks.
Something colourful
something different

09 September, 2000


Debby wrote:
I love fairies so if you could draw/paint your interpretation I would be very interested

30 August, 2000

Mad Cow Chicken on Head

gracebell wrote:
Chickens (the white ones -hens ) "chicks are nice too" and cows (Holstein heifers and calves) The graphic guy might like to see something different

30 July, 2000

Drowning Myself in Love

Allan wrote:
Let's see how u r w/moods
I'm in love and afraid of it. feelings of trumph and despire
The world is round and all I do is go in circles. And the rivers won't stop flowing.

13 July, 2000

Suicide Slit

Fred wrote:
How about a nice dark picture of say a clasped hand with only the hand and the wrist showing, and on the front of the wrist, have a tattoo that says 'Cut Here' with a bunch of dotted lines.. and dow the whole thing in a dark couloured theme?!?!? Hmm?!??

03 July, 2000

Dead Inside

Birdie wrote:
an old man standing alone in the middle of a field somewhere in England. It is a grey day and they are few tre
es around. His face is lined with age and experience. He is dead inside.

26 June, 2000

Alien Surfer

Sean wrote:
i would like to see an alien gangster dj surfer in peru. i have one already.

24 June, 2000

Heart of Meat

Paul wrote:
illustration titled 'HEART OF MEAT'. That's all I've come up with, like the title.

06 June, 2000


Peter WD wrote:
making friends over the net in chat rooms but not having any idea who they really are or what they look like

27 May, 2000

Tangled in the Web

Linsey Buck wrote:
faith i just checked out your new pics and specially like the giant ants. I was going to fill in the form,but a form didnt come up on the page.Anyway Ithought that you could do one of me trying to get my head around technology----tangled up in a techno web .

26 May, 2000


Barnaby Berbank-Green wrote:
Giant mechanical ants terrorising a city please